Posted in comedy

Summer Plans

Hi again… I am tucking my theoretical tail between my legs right now because it has been way too long since I even thought of this thing I have called a blog.

So… here I am! (Please don’t eat me)

Honestly, I wonder why I have no regular readers… You kind of need to have regular posts in order to have regular readers.

So here we go again with more empty promises.

It is summer vacation.

I therefore have oodles of time to write somewhat comedic material and share it with the world.

Also, my best friend is at camp FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER PRETTYMUCH and I have nothing better to do with my life.

This summer I plan to write whatever I can for this thing. I want to try and do a post every day I do something interesting.

I have also decided I want to include pictures to accompany my summer blog posts.

I am trying to be a better little blog owner.

*Just so you know, the only reason I even remember I have a blog sometimes is the little blogger bookmark I have on my google chrome… so you guys can thank that little bookmark. He makes me feel guilty daily about not writing on this thing.*

Anyway… I just finished my grade 11 year yesterday and it is now officially summer. Woot freaking Hoot.

I am a fall person and all the sunburn, humidity and sandy beaches I have to look forward to this summer are not exactly my idea of “fun”.

SO summer.

Gosh I need to clean my room.

Anyway, hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow.


*OOH shameless self-promotion time!* if you want to see more of me and what I’m up to… My Instagram is @licisausage

(licisausage is a nickname my cruel family gave me when I was a chubby little baby… Good self-esteem booster eh?)